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Becca Modlin


My Story

This is how it all began for me.... 

In October of 2008, My husband and I were very concerned with the holidays rapidly approaching. In December of 2007, we had purchased a home that was perfect for our family. However, there we were 10 months later and our "old" home still hadn't sold like we had anticipated.  For 10+ months, we were making 2 house payments, and rapidly draining our savings account.  
Back up a couple months... Over the summer my aunt had sent my mom a Lighthouse Scentsy Warmer and some wax for a gift. I thought it was the coolest thing ever!  It was so safe, and one of the scents really stood out to me and smelled AMAZING!!! We didn't see any personal contact information on any of the products, so we figured it was just something cool they had in Utah. :)

Fast forward to October again... My sister-in-law told us to check out this website for her mom's Scentsy party she was having in Utah, and if we wanted anything we could place an order and have it shipped to us. Once on the site I saw the exact Scentsy Warmer my mom had, and I also found that scent that I loved!!! (Camu Camu was the scent... If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it!)

I knew at that moment I could share this product with others and provide the extra we needed to help our family, and to provide a Christmas for our family.  I decided at that very moment I wanted to become a consultant right away! 

In addition to being a wife, I am a mother of 4, and at that time I ran a Daycare/Preschool in my home. Safety was (and still is) a HUGE priority with me, so having an open flame in our home was not an option.  I had been looking for something to give our home that "there's no place like home" feeling, and finally found it with Scentsy. Once you smell the wide variety of scents, and see how safe the warmers are, you too will fall in love. I have never felt so much confidence in a product as I do with Scentsy!


What's warming in my home